05.10: “DSI Democracy X DSI Cybersecurity meets Truth Detectives”

28. August 2023
As part of the event series "DSI Democracy meets...", researchers from the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) of the University of Zurich (UZH) discuss current issues in the area of conflict between digitalization and democracy together with civil society actors. The panel discussion is organized by the DSI Democracy Community and Cybersecurity Community. It is aimed at both researchers and the interested public.
On the topic of “Influence of the digital age on information access and dissemination”, Truth Detectives will lead the discussion on how and when citizens can contribute to gathering information on crisis situations. The war in Ukraine, for instance, has demonstrated how ordinary citizens can provide reliable information even before the international media does.
In collaboration with the DSI Community Cybersecurity and CYREN ZH, we are pleased to welcome Raphael Perret (studiozb, Truth Detectives), Anja Reiß (studiozb, Truth Detectives), Dr. Lennart Maschmeyer (ETHZ, Center for Security Studies) and Prof. Dr. Sigrid Haunberger (ZHAW School of Social Work) to discuss new formats about how civilians can help in a crisis. Dr. Melanie Knieps (CYREN ZH) will host and moderate the discussion.
The event takes place on October 5, 2023 from 17:00-19:30 in room SOC-E-010 of the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich at Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich followed by an Apéro. You can register here to attend.
For further information about the event: CYERN ZH