25.04 “Governance in International Organizations: Potentials and pitfalls for digitalization”

8. April 2024
As part of the "DSI Democracy meets..." event series, researchers from the the University of Zurich and civil society actors will discuss current issues in the field of digitalization and democracy. The panel discussion is organised by the DSI Democracy Community and is aimed at researchers as well as the interested public.
“Governance in International Organisations: Potentials and pitfalls of digitalisation” will be the topic of the next “DSI Democracy meets…” event. We are pleased to welcome DSI Fellow Prof. Gianluca Miscione (University College Dublin and ZHAW School of Management and Law), Prof. Lu Xiankun (Managing Director of LEDECO Geneva, Founder and CEO of FMG), Rashmi Jose (Senior Policy Advisor at IISD), Costa Vayenas (ProCivis) and Dr. Tom Hunter (University of Zurich) for the panel discussion.
International organizations, such as the World Trade Organization, hold a central role on the global stage and thus play a significant part in shaping our daily lives. A prime example is the 1998 moratorium on customs duties for electronic transmissions. This agreement has enabled digital goods and services to be traded globally without tariffs, which could be used to modulate the development of digital societies across the world.
This panel seeks to unravel often impenetrable aspects of international negotiations and affairs. We bring together insiders from these organizations and researchers specializing in digital transformation to delve into the inner workings of international relations. The discussion will explore the potentials and pitfalls of digitalization for international governance.
Join us on 25.04.2024 from 17:00-18:30 in room SOC-E-010 at the Digital Society Initiative of the University of Zurich (Rämistrasse 69, 8001 Zurich), followed by an aperitif.
To register, please visit the following link: https://www.eventbrite.ch/e/850849613097?aff=oddtdtcreator